March TFPA Meeting - Central Texas AHJ Forum

  • Wednesday, March 05, 2025
  • 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Pauline Espinosa Hall (San Marcos Rec Hall) - 170 Charles Austin Dr., San Marcos, TX 78666


  • Student ID must be presented at door


Central Texas AHJ Forum 
Latest on Codes and Standards Adoptions and Policies 

Location Details: NOTE: Updated Location

Pauline Espinosa Hall (San Marcos Rec Hall)

170 Charles Austin Dr., San Marcos, TX 78666. 

Program: This forum provides an opportunity to hear from local code enforcement agencies (Authorities Having Jurisdiction) regarding recent code adoption and policy updates in the Central Texas region. TFPA hosts this forum every few years to provide our members and guests with an opportunity to interact directly with local code officials. Panelists will have a chance to discuss code adoptions, amendments, and policies that are unique to their jurisdiction. An opportunity for questions from the audience will also be provided.

“Hot topics” on the discussion agenda include building and fire code application and sprinkler and fire alarm system issues, including:

  1. Introductions and department overviews, examples of scopes of current projects, growth in the jurisdiction, key personnel contacts, etc.
  2. Current code adoptions, key amendments, and significant policy changes. Some Jurisdictions have adopted the 2024 I-Codes and other jurisdictions are refining their adoptions of other versions of the I-Codes with amendments, interpretations, and informational bulletins.
  3. Discussion of major fire protection design, installation, or enforcement issues. If these issues were fixed, "everyone would avoid a lot of heartache.”
  4. Procedures for failed inspection reporting. In addition to state requirements to tag a system, Code Officials will discuss their local requirements for reporting and corrective action plans. With an update from the State Fire Marshal.
  5. A discussion of impairment procedures for "Out of Service” systems:  having an impairment coordinator, system tagging and notification requirements, pre-planned impairment programs, AHJ notification, permits for regular and emergency impairments. City impairment programs for freezes and other natural disasters.
  6. Emergency Responder Radio Coverage Enhancement Systems (ERRCES) surveys and implementation.
  7. "Up and Coming" occupancies or building types.

If you have a topic you would like us to discuss, please e-mail Our goal is to tailor the discussions to the benefit of our panelists and members.

AHJ Panelists:

  • State Fire Marshal - Kelley Stalder
  • City of Austin - Ben Flick
  • Bexar County - David Boudreau
  • City of San Antonio - Amin Tohmaz
  • Corpus Christi - Tony Perez
  • Travis County - Gary Howell
  • Additional input from UT Systems

GET YOUR CEUs: TFPA members who participate in this program will receive ICC Preferred Provider and TCFP CEU credits. If you're not currently a member, TFPA membership is only $20/year to receive CEUs and other benefits.


10:30 AM - 11:00 AM Registration and Social

11:00 AM - 2:00 PM Presentation, Business Meeting, and Lunch

March 3rd at 5:00 p.m.